Dyess Air Force Base
Flight Simulator Training Facility
Location: Abilene, TX
Size: 6,190 SF
Cost: $4M
Project Summary: HWH achieved a 30 percent cost savings on this $4M design-build re-engineering of a C-130J flight simulator training facility, all while meeting budget requirements. HWH used composite insulated metal panels in lieu of masonry. This, in turn, reduced the load on the structural steel frame. HWH installed a split boiler and chiller system which achieved the required objectives at a lower cost than a traditional pre-packaged unit. The facility was completed two months in advance of the scheduled delivery and installation of the $6M simulator unit. This is one of several HWH projects completed on the Dyess Air Force Base.
Multi-PUrpose Hangar
Location: Abilene, TX
Size: 57,000 SF
Cost: $17M
Pre-Engineered Metal Building
Pre-Engineered Metal Building
Project Summary: Two-bay maintenance hangar for C-130J cargo or B1-B Lancer bomber aircraft | Drilled pier foundation and structural slab on grade, with insulated metal siding and sloped standing seam metal roof system | Includes all finishes, fixtures, equipment and systems (M/WBE certification) HWH self performed the fabrication & erection and millwork.
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