STerilite warehouse facilities
Project Details
Locations (3): Ennis, TX; Davenport, IA; Clinton, SC
Sizes: Ennis: 3M SF (two locations), Davenport: 2.5M SF, Clinton: 2.5M SF
Services Provided:
Steel Fabrication
Site Utilities
Ennis, TX: This 409,500 SF design build warehouse is the third facility built by HWH for Sterilite. HWH negotiated the real estate, negotiated $2M of incentives, self-performed the architecture, earthwork, utilities, partnered on the steel erection and prepared 2 building pads.
The scope of work included the moving of 450,000 cubic yards of earth along on the 50 acre site with moisture conditioning to a depth of 10 feet. Project also included 6 inches of lime stabilization over the entire site along with the haul, place and compaction of 40,000 cubic yards of select fill. The existing gravel access road was removed and reworked as an asphalt heavy use truck drive. Site and civil design was performed in house by HWH design personnel. All of the horizontal aspects of this project were performed with HWH own forces and equipment.
Davenport, IA: Constructed a 2.5M SF manufacturing and warehouse facility in for the Sterilite Corporation. This is the fourth facility HWH has built for this client, North America’s largest producer of plastic housewares. HWH completed the construction of the manufacturing portion of the project which also includes a rail facility with a capacity >100 rail cars.
Clinton, SC: assisted in the site location of a 2.475M SF design build PEMB manufacturing facility with 1.8M SF of warehouse. This project included moving over 1M CY of earth and the installation of 12,000 LF of rail. Phase I was completed in 10 months with the entire project complete in 18 months.
Sterilite Warehouse: Ennis, TX
Sterilite Warehouse: Davenport, IA
sterilite Warehouse: Clinton, SC
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